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The Dust of the Meteors


30/08/2019 > 29/09/2019


The title of the exhibition is borrowed from Alain Bashung’s album “l’Imprudence” which evokes with powerful poetry the feeling of impermanence. Using different types of mediums, he composes a path of relationship between the different pieces with new, recent works, most of which were created for the LaVallée exhibition space.

What is the relationship between a television set that is turned off, a poster announcing the exhibition you are already circulating in, a double self-portrait of the artist on the wall, collections of found images irreverently diverted, in situ murals and a set of heterogeneous monumental pictorial proposals?

By summoning a multitude of public personalities, from politicians to philosophers to activists, Stephan Balleux proposes a meditation on a possible value of existence.

Vernissage on 30/08 from 5 to 10 pm.

Dates : from 31/08 to 29/09 2019

Wednesday to Friday from 2 to 6 pm | Saturday to Sunday from 11 to 6 pm

Address :


Rue Adolphe Lavallée 39,

1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean